The Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI) is constituted under an Act of Parliament i.e. the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 (Act No. 56 of 1980). ICSI is the only recognized professional body in India to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries in India.
CS Touch Android based Knowledge Application for ICSI -The Institute of Company Secretaries of India with Web based Content Management System. This App is focused for accessing ICSI On The Move.
Following are the Application Features
1. Chartered Secretary - Monthly Magazine
2. E-Bulletin
3. CS Foundation Course
4. Student Professional Today
5. Companies Act & Rules
6. ICSI Publications
7. FEMA Act & Regulations
8. SEBI Act & Regulations
印度公司秘书协会(ICSI)是根据议会即公司秘书法,1980(1980年第56号法令)的行为构成。 ICSI是唯一认可的专业机构在印度大力发展和规范公司秘书行业在印度。
CS触摸的Android印度的公司秘书ICSI -The研究所与基于Web的内容管理系统基础知识的应用。这个程序是集中访问ICSI在移动。
1.特许秘书 - 月刊
2. E-公告
3. CS基础课程
6. ICSI出版物
7. FEMA法令法规